Live Chat ROI

Is 24-7 Managed Live Chat right for you?

It's just math. A 35% increase in leads, without spending more in advertising, has a huge impact on your bottom line. Follow the instructions below to calculate the Marketing Return on Investment (MROI) of adding QualifiedChat to your website.

  • Results

    Before we can show your results, please enter the number of leads (phone calls, form fills, etc.) you currently get, followed by the number of sales you get from those leads. Finally, enter the average dollar value of a sale. Then, click the calculate button.

    Our calculator uses a Marketing Return on Investment (MROI) formula:

    ($Value - $Investment) ÷ $Investment x 100 = MROI%

    Note: If you don't have your specific numbers at hand, you can try the calculator with some of the industry examples below. Choose one that you are interested in, and click populate.
  • The Math

    Before we can show your results, please enter the number of leads (phone calls, form fills, etc.) you currently get, followed by the number of sales you get from those leads. Finally, enter the average dollar value of a sale. Then, click the calculate button.

    Our calculator uses a Marketing Return on Investment (MROI) formula:

    ($Value - $Investment) ÷ $Investment x 100 = MROI%

    Calculator based on results reported by our typical clients. Your actual results may vary. Assumes a 35% increase in leads. Leads and sales rounded up to whole numbers. Questions? Please contact us.

Industry Examples

Don't have your numbers available? Populate the calculator with one of these examples:

  • label_importantA divorce attorney gets 32 leads a month, and 5 become clients. Each is worth around $1,500. Populate
  • label_importantA dentist charges $3,800 for braces. She gets 20 leads a week, and converts 3 to patients. Populate
  • label_importantA HVAC company makes $4,410 profit on a typical AC install. They get 42 leads a month, and 6 sales. Populate

Why Choose Us?

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Did your ROI look promising? Why not try QualifiedChat – sign up today for a 14-day trial at no charge. We even provide free setup and technical support. If you are not 100% satisfied there is no cost or obligation.

What We Do

We turn your web visitors into clients with a chat. We connect with prospects on a personal level and immediately make them feel at ease. We chat for businesses all day – every day. It's what we do. Read More